360 model index | Site Home Page

On this page are the muscle models that we would normally look at in class. On the left hand side are videos explaining the models and on the right hand side are the models. This page is a mess. There are too many hot links going to this page for me to change the format though. Table of Contents

Muscle Models

Video Tour

Rotateable picture

Trunk Muscles


  • Enlarge view turns trunk to landscape mode.
  • Moving the model by grabing it and moving the mouse isn't very smooth.
  • I have spent 30 minutes trying to get it to fit nicely in the box. It isn't working.
  • I have spent 20 minutes trying to click on images to work right.


Needless to say, it is the same model that the video above is for.

Rotator Cuff

Arm Muscles

Upper Arm

Lower Arm

small arm

Head Muscles

Thigh Muscles

Lower Leg Muscles

Lower Leg Muscles